Thursday, February 14, 2013

Phil the flamingo…. “Now You’ve Done it!”

As some of you may know, we have had a resident flamingo staying with us over the winter since Christmas. 

Normally he remains in the back yard where we can protect him from local dogs and cats.  So far, if I leave an orange or a mango out over night, he seems to be content.  

To keep track of him in the evening, I hook up his L.E.D. collar that illuminates his location.  I hook him up to a current bush and he appears to brighten up during the long cold nights.

However, last night, I forgot to unplug his collar before going to bed.  It was a dark, moonless night and by morning we were up to our armpits in flamingos.  How they got off their normal migratory flyway is a mystery to me.  

One local birdologist suggest that they only fly at night.  As you can see, if I move slowly and quietly, they do not seem to be disturbed.  I wonder what you call a flock of flamingos.  I suspect it is a “filibuster of flamingos.”

One thing is for sure, I can’t feed a whole flock til Spring.  They need to move on.  Our local homeowners association only allows for three pets or birds.  So I am hoping I am not turned in by a neighbor. 

 Besides, they are starting to leave peanut-shaped Styrofoam droppings all over the place and my wife is not willing to pick up after them. 

So I am going to Home Depot to purchase an owl “scarecrow” and mount that on the fence.  I hope that will frighten them off before the city declares our property a litter health hazard.  

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